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Top 10 Adsense Keywords

Adsense income is completely based on keywords. Search engine optimization with these keywords is very important. The top paying keywords contains more than 40000 and more which places a price bid of more than $1. Till now there are several bloggers who have developed a huge profit using the top keywords. It is said that in order to be a successful blogger, you need to have two things: top paying keywords and secondly, keywords which has less competition. There are many sites who provide the high paying keywords but all these are fake. If you want to search the top paying keywords just visit sktool site and search there.
Here is a list of top paying keywords:

1:37 PM - By ADMIN 2


Send Free Text Messages Worldwide From Your Number

Mjoy is the online tool which is under discussion. This service is powered by adverts and hence is completely free. To make use of this service, you need to register to the site with your mobile phone. This is only for those who have cell phones as you can only sign up and login on your mobiles. GPRS is also required for using this service.
mjoy - send free sms worldwideComing on to special features, there is no limit for the characters you type. Usual sms services provide you with somewhere around 80-140 characters. The interface is such that the messages are stored similar to chat interface. With this, you can also backup contacts online. And hence the chances of losing your contacts is less as you have them saved online. They also claim to have a network which few may love to have. They also provide you with games and widgets.
Note: This is not for you if you don’t have a GPRS enabled mobile phone.

1:33 PM - By ADMIN 0


Make Free Worldwide Calls to Any Number with VoIP

Well, this is not a hack, but the method I discovered long back to make free calls to any number in any country (including India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka etc). This way of calling worldwide included the toktumi service as the one which can get you free US incoming number. Though I did not try this time, I hope you will do it (if interested) and share the result through comments.
make worldwide free calls

1:32 PM - By ADMIN 0


How To Take Screenshots Of Your Mobile Phone

You might have probably seen different blogs / websites using the screenshots of mobile phones. You might be wondered how they take those snaps of mobile screen when there is no option for that in the mobile phone.
The solution is possible with few third party softwares which are listed below:

1:30 PM - By ADMIN 0



When you click on the shutdownbutton,
make sure to simultaneously press SHIFT Button.
If you hold the SHIFT key down while clicking on SHUTDOWN button,
you WINDOWS WILL RESTART without restarting the computer
This is equivalent to term "HOT REBOOT".
11:31 PM - By ADMIN 3


Unlock Password Protected Memory Card

Well its quite simple but most of the people do not know it.

Please note the fact that it only works if the password to the MMC Card was set in ur own mobile,where u want it to be unlocked.

This method works well for nokia cells with symbian operating system.Never tried on other cells.use any software like FXplorer that can browse files in ur cell.

(you can download the software from this link "http://fexplorer-s60.en.softonic.com/symbian")

1. Open one of above software you have.

5:39 PM - By ADMIN 0


Get lyrics of a song while listening to it on YouTube

Eminem is one of  my favorite singer. I listen to his songs though I do not understand them thoroughly. Usually I download lyrics from any popular website which comes first in my way and save it to my computer. When I watch any YouTube music video, I have to find that file in my computer, cascade windows to watch lyrics and to play video simultaneously.
8:12 AM - By ADMIN 0


HOW To: Add a Dislike Option to Your Status Update in FACEBOOK

Like” buttons are everywhere on Facebook, and they’re everywhere on the web. But what if you want to update your status or share something that your friends can “dislike?” We know, your friends can choose to “comment” on your post, but where’s the fun in that?
6:16 AM - By ADMIN 0



     As more and more people get quick connections to the internet, such as cable or ADSL, it becomes apparent to the user of a simple dial-up modem that the World Wide Web can quickly turn into the World Wide Wait. Here a trick that can help speed up your current modem without shelling out the big bucks.
There is a setting located in your windows registry called the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU). This determines the size of the packets of data sent between your and your server. In Windows 95, this setting is has a value of 1,500 bytes when the actual size of internet packets is 1,000 bytes. This can sometimes slow things down. To remedy the situation, simply follow these steps:
In the registry editor (Start > Run > regedit.exe), navigate to

In the NetTrans folder you should find another folder named "000x" in which x represents a fourth digit. Right-click on the "000x" folder and select New and StringValue. Rename the item that appears in the panel on the right side to MaxMTU, then double-click it to bring up the Edit String box and give it a velue of 1002.
Remember to keep playing with the MaxMTU value until you feel that your internet connection has greatly sped up. Some people report huge speed gains using this tricks, while others hardly notice a difference. In any case, it's definetly worth a try.
4:09 AM - By ADMIN 0


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