Step 1: Create a quality, targeted article for your target group. Use this article to give away a lot of great, helpful information. Think of your article as a residual salesperson, getting interested, targeted prospects to read and then take steps toward a professional relationship with you. If they don't read and take action, then your virtual salesperson did his or her job in weeding out disinterested persons.
Step 2: Turn your article into a podcast. You can easily turn your article into a simple podcast with the use of quality audio software, or you can download Audacity from and being creating podcasts for free. Once you do, set your podcast up as a feed, and then subscribe multiple podcast feeds to your main feed to spread your podcast into multiple directories and communities.
Step 3: Turn your article into a press release and release it all over the net. There are good free press release sites as well as paid press release sites. If you have never written one, you can get a little more mileage by hiring a professional writer from Elance or from a site like PRWeb. Paid press releases tend to get a bit more traffic and quality exposure for the effort.
Step 4: Turn your article into a quick video using Sony Vegas or another easy to use home video software. Then, post the video to multiple video sites like YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo Video, Vimeo, etc.
Step 5: Create another, but completely unique article from the same research you did for the main article and post it on your forum, blog, or main site. You can also have professional writers write a unique article on the same topic, if you provide them with an outline and research resource links. Make sure the article is not spun or a mere re-working of your main article by proposing a different approach to the same research and theme. Be sure to be very descriptive in your job posting and read their work thoroughly before awarding the job to someone for less hassle. This seems to work well for us and the clients we work with. Even work at developing long-term relationships with your writers so you can build a more solid and consistent publication for the long-haul.
Step 6: Embed the video in your blog post, article post or forum post in your site. Video has been shown to hold attention longer and drastically reduce the bounce rate of visitors if done well.
Step 7: Bookmark your videos, pod-casts, articles and blog posts with social book mark sites to help spread the word and create a mini-net on the internet for Search Engine benefits.
Step 8: Add an "AddtoAny" button on the bottom of all of your personal posts on your websites, forums and blogs so that others can share them easily and be sure to give a call to action to ask people to help share if they like it.
Step 9: Share your videos, articles, pod-casts, blog posts and forum posts to your Facebook account and invite others to view it and give feedback. Sometimes, feedback can really help spread the word as well as help you see things that others might find confusing so that you can become better at communicating your products and service benefits more clearly. Often times, people look for another vendor simply because they could not understand what your value proposition meant!
Step 10: Tweet your posts. Often times, you can have this automated. Tweet your posts and even offer incentives for others to share, like your post on Facebook, or re-tweet.
SPECIAL NOTE: Make sure that all of your articles and posts somehow point to your opt in or squeeze page and that you offer a lot of value or benefits for registrants / subscribers. Use each post to help point to and build your subscriber list effectively for higher profits online.